Objective Connect comes to HP TRIM

Objective Corporation has broadened the reach of its cloud file sharing platform, Objective Connect, to users of the HP TRIM EDRMS.

Designed as a platform to allow government agencies to securely share internal documents with other agencies, private industry and the public, Objective Connect is tightly integrated with the Objective ECM 8 suite.

The new integration with HP TRIM will allow users to share information directly from their TRIM records management system beyond the firewall, while maintaining auditability and traceability.

The integration will provide a simple “Share” menu from within the TRIM interface that places a document on the Objective Connect cloud and keeps it synced with the local version, while keeping a record of who accessed the document externally and any changes.

Objective Connect is compatible with TRIM Version 7.

Tony Walls, CEO of Objective Corporation said, “Objective Connect for HP TRIM sees us continue to deliver our vision of enabling secure information sharing and process management between organisations, irrespective of their underlying content management systems.

“Objective Connect for HP TRIM provides government grade security and conforms to the Australian Government Information Security Manual (ISM) for sharing information up to and including Protected level and Impact Level 2 and 3 (IL2/IL3) in the United Kingdom. An organisation uses the security principles already in place to dictate what information can be shared with whom.

“Objective Connect acts as an extension to HP TRIM, enabling an organisation maintain the security and data sovereignty they require, while making it easy for individuals to share information. This drastically reduces the on-going creation and management of additional silos of information, while maintaining organisational compliance. 

“Today thousands of Government users in Australia, New Zealand and the United Kingdom are using Objective Connect to transform their business processes,” said Walls. “From procurement and legal processes, to collaborating with stakeholders or partners, Objective Connect enables the secure extension of business processes with other organisations.”

Auditability and traceability of information being shared is critical to organisations. The Objective Connect Reporting Dashboard delivers real time consolidated visibility of all information being shared by all users. This ensures greater accountability and a complete view of the information being shared. 

To learn more about Objective Connect for HP TRIM visit objectiveconnect.com.