ConnXion hires respected stunt man as CFO

ConnXion hires respected stunt man as CFO

Jul 26, 2005: Ian Bartram, the newly appointed chief financial officer and company secretary of ConnXion, has plenty of experience in tackling difficult obstacles, following his training as a movie and television drama stunt man.

He is currently on a call-up register and attained his qualifications by training with the man who is now Pierce Brosnan's stunt double.

He is current mission at ConnXion is to ensure that its financial management processes are scalable to support the company's anticipated expansion into the Australian and international markets.

Bartram is confident that he has the skills to avoid any pitfalls or stumbling blocks that threaten to throw the production of the company off track.

"ConnXion is well placed to take advantage of market opportunities across Asia Pacific and beyond - and is my intention to ensure ConnXion is fully prepared and able to make use of these opportunities.

"I am looking forward to helping this exciting company realise its international potential in partnership with its business customers across the region."

ConnXion has recently expanded into Asia via its agreement to produce and deliver invoices, statements and related documents to DHL Express Singapore's South East Asia customers.

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