Seagate looking small but thinking big

Seagate looking small but thinking big

Hard disk vendor Seagate believes it has come up with a solution to the problem faced by IT managers everywhere – to increase levels of enterprise storage performance and reliability while using less disk space.

The answer, according to Seagate, comes in the shape of a new 2.5 inch enterprise disk drive platform, which it claims will provide systems built around such disk drives with unparalleled levels of IOPS (input/outputs per second) performance in a smaller system space compared to what is currently available. For example, a 2U rack storage array with 2.5 inch drives will be able to outperform today's common 3U rack storage arrays by almost 140 per cent on an IOPS-per-U basis while providing equal or greater storage capacity.

The new enterprise-class 2.5 inch disk drive platform is the result of extensive research into end user IT challenges, as well as collaborative exchanges with the likes of HP, Microsoft and Intel.

"In a consolidated IT environment, our customers need to provide more I/O's in the same rack space while being able to scale to higher I/O's and capacity to meet future growth requirements without increasing their data centre space," said Jeff Jenkins, acting VP server storage and infrastructure at HP.

Seagate intends to deliver its first enterprise-class solutions based on the 2.5 inch disk drive platform in 2004.

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