iCognition to unveil Diem Portal 4

Information Management and Governance (IMG) specialist, iCognition, will announce the release of Diem Portal 4, the next generation collaborative web portal for HP TRIM / HP Records Manager, at the HP Information Governance Forum (IGF) to be held May 5-7 at the Hilton Sydney. 

“iCognition will be the Platinum Sponsors of the HP IGF and will use the opportunity to promote this new release of our flagship product”, announced Company CEO, Joe Mammoliti.

“From the proven enterprise suite of Diem Solutions and multiple Diem Portal implementation successes, iCognition is excited to releasing this next generation web portal”, Mr Mammoliti said. “10 years of Diem means 10 years of better user experiences in discovering, accessing, managing and sharing enterprise information.”

is a complete redesign and redevelopment of the product, providing enhanced scalability, performance, flexibility, and access from anywhere. Collaboration and sharing have been enhanced by advanced drag and drop capability, creating portlets to information, collaborative spaces to work with others, and easy information sharing. All with Diem Portal’s simple search capability that uses multiple discovery methods.

“We have further advanced ease of access and use to HP TRIM workflows, and our flexible work tray design provides the user with maximum control over business processes; from ministerial briefs and correspondence management to FOI and invoice processing”, Mr Mammoliti said. “All using a single trusted source, HP TRIM / HP Records Manager.”

“Overall, this new product signifies strong user satisfaction. It is designed to maximise investment in HP TRIM / HP Records Manager, providing better user experiences, improving user take-up, reducing training costs, and ensuring return on your information management investment”.

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