Microsoft bundles ELO archiving with Office and Exchange

Microsoft bundles ELO archiving with Office and Exchange

March 30, 2007: Electronic document management vendor, ELO Digital, has announced a global partnership with Microsoft to distribute ELO Office with Microsoft Office 2007 and ELO Enterprise with Microsoft Exchange.

Recently returning from Germany’s CeBIT in time for the Australian chapter, ELO’s managing director, Rainer Krause says: “The first bundle is going to be ELO Office with Microsoft Office, sold as one box. This is the first time anything like this has been done.”

The packaged offer will coincide with the release of ELO Enterprise and Professional 6.0, developed on a Java-based platform. Microsoft Exchange will come with one ELO Enterprise fat client and 10 licenses. Krause believes this will offer a significant advantage over buying an archiving and document management solution separately. ELO’s 6.0 range comes with an XML importer to protect archived documents against obsolescence in the future.

The partnership will be being promoted heavily at the Australian CeBIT event in May next month. Krause says, “For us CeBIT will be an opportunity to officially launch this. We will fly in ELO’s email archiving expert, Daniel Mikeleit, from Germany to present the ELO Enterprise and Professional 6.0 to customers and Microsoft Gold Certified customers.”

Krause says, “With the ELO Office and MS Office bundle, customers can purchase one box that is a complete document management solution. With ELO Enterprise and Microsoft Exchange it’s a one stop shop for serious automated email archiving to manage the flood of emails and to comply with legislations such as the Victorian Document Destruction and Unavailability Act.

Even in 10 years time, you would still be able to retrieve all your emails; ELO copies the body of the email into the ELO memo field as a text file. So even if the standards in the world change in 20 years, you would still be able to retrieve email from an archive server. Or if you move from MS to an open source, you would still have the same accessibility to email. Because JAVA is modular, you can run on different servers, so you don’t have to have email archiving on central server.”

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