ELO Spreads Its Wings In Australia

ELO Spreads Its Wings In Australia

December 1, 2006: Focusing on the SME market, ELO Digital has announced its partnership with Harris Technology as Harris accepts ELOoffice in to its product range.

The partnership will allow customers to purchase the ELO document management solution through Harris Technology. After testing the ELOoffice product, Harris says the decision was made due to the additional features the product offered such as encryption and version control alongside its expected scanning, organising, PDF creation and sharing capabilities.

Harris will target the two version of ELOoffice at individuals as well workgroups of up to ten level people. Harris says the ELO solution will give their customers the opportunity to start using document management systems and if needed, later expand to large scale systems without having to change the DMS supplier.

Launched in the Australian market just over one year ago, ELO has already made a strong impression on the landscape. The vendor has partnered with HP Australia to provide a combination of HP hardware and ELO software for total document management solutions and received a first prize for ‘Best Product for Business Processes’ at the CEBIT Sydney event.

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