Peoplesoft alliance solves local govt. asset management puzzle

PeopleSoft alliance solves local govt. asset management puzzle

Business application software provider PeopleSoft has teamed up with Jigsaw Services to secure a clutch of local government contracts across Australia and New Zealand.

The companies are to provide and support asset lifecycle management systems to councils including the City of Unley (South Australia), City of Swan (Western Australia), Gladstone City (Queensland), Livingstone Shire (Queensland) and Thames Coromandel District (New Zealand).

Gerry Poepjes, executive manager, City of Swan says "We selected PeopleSoft EnterpriseOne because it is a fully integrated, web-enabled solution that allows us to best utilise our limited resources - both financial and human. We anticipate that we will be able to create greater visibility and more accurate forecasting of our substantial asset base. Improved management and reporting of our assets will reap significant savings for Council and improved prioritisation of the use and maintenance of our assets. Ultimately it allows us to do more with less resources and be more transparent in our decision making process to the electorate."

Andrew McAdams, chief executive, Jigsaw Services, said Councils select EnterpriseOne is because of its flexibility and its ability to meet a wider range of Local Government core needs. The software's modular framework allows Jigsaw Services and PeopleSoft to deliver a specialist fully integrated solution that allows for single data entry.

"Because all of the modules are integrated in real-time, the software allows the Council’s engineers who repair, replace or remove an asset to see the same set of common data as the financial team who balance the budgets and determine the current asset valuation."

McAdams added: "Asset Lifecycle Management is very important in the public sector. Councils must manage a very diverse set of assets with minimal resources - everything from roads, drains, footpaths, streetlights to playground equipment, grass, trees and signage in each park. They need integrated software tools that can manage the full lifecycle of each and every asset within their municipal boundary. In order to do this they must determine what assets they have, what state of repair they are in (and current value) and then decide on how they will cost-effectively maintain them for their anticipated lifespan.  It is essential that Asset Managers and the financial staff operated from the same record."

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