Canto makes web albums less effort

Canto makes web albums less effort

Canto's new Cumulus WebAlbum tool allows users to publish images in web ready albums which automatically transfer images into jpegs organised on an HTML page, according to the user's customised tastes.

This digital asset management solution can even have different skins added to it, so the user can take full control of the design and look of the album.

Other features include the ability to have thumbnails, scaled versions of images and links to the original assets.

WebAlbum takes the selected records and converts these assets into files which look attractive on the web.

Canto's senior product manager, Ulrich Knocke said. "Availability of WebAlbum confirms Canto's continued commitment to provide unmatched image management capability over the web that is cross platform and completely scalable from enterprise to single user.

"After introducing Cumulus Web Publisher Pro and Internet Client Pro for publishing JSP-based Web pages where image searches or uploading capability is required, we now offer a tool for users to create their own image galleries without any knowledge of HTML."

The WebAlbum can also produce slide show versions of images for easier navigation and albums can be created locally on the hard disk or CD-Rom.

These albums can be uploaded to any web server with a FTP client and can also be viewed on any standard browser, making it accessible to anyone from anywhere.

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