Picture controls for virtual document viewer

Snowbound Software has announced the addition of picture controls to its VirtualViewer HTML5 document viewer.

The picture controls allow users to adjust the brightness, contrast, and gamma of any specific document or image within the viewer. As a result, low quality documents can be enhanced for readability, resulting in more efficient document processing.

"Poorly scanned documents can impede our customer's ability to efficiently view critical information," said Jeff Kurson, Snowbound's Product Manager. 

"Adding picture controls to VirtualViewer helps ensure that they are not losing valuable time during the work day."

The picture controls are located in the toolbar at the top of the viewer. Each of the three settings (brightness, contrast, and gamma) is accompanied by a slider that can be easily increased or decreased until the document is readable. When utilizing this feature, users can make adjustments to individual pages within documents as needed to improve their quality.

Snowbound's document viewers also offer many other sophisticated tools for document processing, including zooming, rotation, text search, redaction and annotation. Snowbound supports viewing for all popular document formats (PDF, AFP, PCL, Fax, JPEG, MS Office, and TIFF).

Picture controls are available in both VirtualViewer HTML5 and the Java Applet. Virtual Viewer HTML5 is a pure HTML5 document viewer that enables users to view content from any client station without requiring a download or installation. VirtualViewer Java Applet is combined with a powerful Java or .NET server component for high-speed viewing.


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