Enterprise Applications

One: There are different understandings of the terminology within the same organisation

Nividous has recently introduced improvements to its platform's Intelligent Document Processing (IDP) capabilities. These new advancements allow out-of-the-box data extraction from any document type (such as invoices, identity cards, and loan applications) and various formats, including structured, semi-structured, and unstructured.

With the Optus hack dominating headlines in Australia, ABBYY has announced the timely release of a new all-in-one solution that offers instant identity proofing and affirmation. ABBYY Proof of Identity simplifies document-centric digital onboarding processes while promising to give organizations confidence that customers, constituents, employees, and partners are who they say they are.

Micro Focus has released the findings of the 2022 Digital Challenges in the Public Sector study, created in partnership with Omdia, which examines the common technology trends facing the Australian public sector. While it was revealed technology investment is increasing across Australia, with more than 50 per cent of respondents anticipating an IT spending rise during the next 18 months, the public sector is facing a perfect storm driven by skills shortages, increased demand, and capabilities of legacy systems. 

Built by a team of ex-Google technologists and AI scientists, Vectara operationalizes large language models to deliver intent-based search results that are claimed to radically outperform keyword-based systems

A new global survey that shows that organizations are largely unprepared for ransomware attacks on their data stored in SaaS platforms. Conducted by Odaseva, an enterprise data protection platform for Salesforce, it also found that only half of organizations impacted by an attack on SaaS Data could fully recover.

Nearly 80% of companies that are considered as "digital disrupters" gained market share over the last two years, according to new research by Bain & Company. Bain's fifth annual Benchmarking Survey of Corporate Digital Transformation shows that digital disrupters put "digital" at the very top of their agendas, yet even they are having to adapt to a fresh wave of emerging technologies that are enabling new competitors and business models.

Veryfi, a platform using artificial intelligence (AI) technology to instantly transform documents into structured data, has launched a Free tier for its optical character recognition (OCR) application programming interface (API) platform.

ORO has launched its new Smart Procurement Workflows to make procurement easy and efficient for all employees. The solution delivers value to both large enterprise customers with existing procurement solutions as well as fast-growing mid-size companies. ORO’s smart workflows will help scale procurement and finance operations to meet business compliance and demand for speed.

Hundreds of Carlberg Group beers in more than 150 markets will now arrive to their destinations significantly faster using ABBYY intelligent process automation. Carlsberg Group, one of the world’s leading brewery groups, chose ABBYY to automate its order and delivery processes, thereby accelerating time to market and customer satisfaction.
