Cloud-based self-learning search from Coveo

Described as a 'Data Scientist in a Box' ,  Coveo Reveal is a new cloud-based, self-learning search service for the enterprise.  It uses a patent-pending, analytics-based machine learning service that continually analyses search behaviour patterns to understand which results and content lead to the best outcomes, such as customer self-service success.

In addition to intuitively enhancing search results so the best-performing content always rises to the top, Coveo Reveal automatically delivers the most relevant search results and proactive recommendations.

Search relevance is essential for companies that want to gain value from their data stores, but research finds they often struggle with the required foundational work such as underlying metadata projects and taxonomies. Gartner Research shows that approximately 90 percent of taxonomy projects fail, while Forrester Research finds that less than half of companies have a metadata strategy, and even those that do, have only partially implemented it.

Based on analytics and machine learning, Coveo Reveal acts as a 'data scientist in a box,' enabling organisations to create high-impact search experiences without the effort traditionally associated with deep taxonomies, extensive metadata projects, manual search tuning, and the complexity of machine learning projects.

"Coveo Reveal transforms the way people search and discover insights that matter," said Laurent Simoneau, Coveo President and CTO.

"Coveo Reveal recognizes intent, learns what others have found valuable, and presents relevant information even without an explicit search match. It also transforms the management of search applications, drastically reducing efforts by removing the need to continually fine-tune and update relevance, and eliminating the need for complex thesaurus and metadata programs."

"Information from Coveo Usage Analytics has been extremely valuable to us, helping to increase the usability and self-service capability of our partner community," said David Wylie, manager, central partner operations at VMware, a Coveo Reveal beta customer.

"Once we've deployed Coveo Reveal completely, it will ingest the analytics on search behaviour and use it to automatically tune results. This will help us to create even better experiences for our partners automatically, without us having to analyse the analytics and manually tune the engine. Preliminary results look very good."

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