Oz Gov No Friend of Oz Public Right to Information

Oz Gov No Friend of Oz Public Right to Information

August 1st, 2007: The Shadow Attorney-General, Senator Joe Ludwig says the government should control its paranoia, stop wasting tax-payer dollars chasing leaks and ultimately hold the public sector accountable for the way it manages information.

Senator Ludwig made his comments in reference to his upcoming presentation at the information Management and E-Discovery Conference in Melbourne. Putting information management in perspective for today’s social issues, the Senator believes it’s about time the government control the tax-payer fund it pours into chasing leaks and instead deploy appropriate information management policies.

“Whether it be information management for community security such as combating terrorism and international crime or ensuring the quality of our democracy is enhanced through appropriate policies on data management,” he says.

Senator Ludwig believes freedom of information (FOI) has been comprised to such an extent that it’s preventing democratic processes. Referring to a recent case involving two journalists convicted for contempt of court and fined $7000 each, the Senator highlighted the need for protection for journalists publishing stories which may embarrass the government.

“This is yet another example of the government’s obsession with selectively chasing leaks in order to punish people associated with embarrassing stories,” he says. “These two reporters revealed the government had been about to refuse some $500 million in fresh benefits to war widows and former soldiers.

“Make no mistake,” ads Senator Ludwig. “This government is no friend of the Australian public’s right to know. No other government has done more to clamp down on the flow of information. It has neutered FOI legislation.”

The Shadow Attorney-General, Senator Joe Ludwig, will be speaking at the Information Management and E-Discovery Conference at the Stamford Plaza Melbourne, on August 21 and 22.

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