A new deal for PDF conversion

A new deal for PDF conversion

May 26, 2009:ABBYY is promising to transform PDF conversion and creation application with its latest application, which is able to re-create logical structure, text flow and consistent formatting of documents across multiple pages when converting PDFs.

PDF Transformer 3.0 offers features for secure editing and archiving PDF files including the ability to redact sensitive information in PDF documents, add specific attributes such as stamps and bates stamps, compress PDFs and save documents to searchable PDF/A format for long-term preservation.

PDF Transformer treats a multipage document as a single entity rather than a set of separate pages. As a result, it accurately reproduces native Microsoft Office formatting attributes such as headers, footers, page numbering, footnotes, captions to images, fonts and styles and therefore enables users to easily modify the resulting document.

Page numbers are automatically updated if users add or delete pages from a document. Footnotes and captions are intelligently linked to their corresponding content. If the content is moved or deleted, the corresponding footnote or caption will be moved or deleted accordingly. Fonts and font styles from different parts of a document are detected and correctly reconstructed in the resulting document.

With PDF Transformer, a user can easily mark and identify documents with copyrights or status by applying customized stamps with any text, position or colour. A new bates stamping feature also provides identification, protection and auto-increment numbering of valuable documents.

Registered users receive a copy of ABBYY Screenshot Reader, a utility for quickly capturing images and text from the screen and able to convert snippets of screenshots into text using ABBYY’s OCR technology. It is an ideal utility for clipping bits of text for use in flashes, presentations and other documents.

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