MetaVis previews new SharePoint governance tool

MetaVis Technologies has announced announces it is developing a new SharePoint governance and compliance tool, Informant for SharePoint.

This agentless software is designed to analyse content, identify sensitive information and enforce compliance standards or governance policies in the file system, SharePoint or Office 365. 

Content across the enterprise is growing at an exponential rate. Users now have more options when creating file content including Microsoft SkyDrive, Dropbox, Google Drive, Amazon S3, Outlook e-mail, and legacy file shares. As a result, more and more content is uncontrolled and unmanaged by a company's IT department which can lead to information leaks, security breaches and compliance risks. 

MetaVis Informant for SharePoint promises to help mitigate these risks by providing a convenient and familiar way of crawling, analysing, reporting, and taking action across enterprise data.

"The increased use of SharePoint, file systems and cloud-based file systems have left many companies asking what information sits across these unstructured data silos," said Peter Senescu, President and Co-founder of MetaVis Technologies. 

"Organizations need tools that will allow them to crawl, analyse and enforce governance policies for their unstructured data -- no matter where it resides.

MetaVis Informant for SharePoint public beta currently supports Office 365, SharePoint 2013 and all previous versions of SharePoint (hosted or on-premises), Dropbox, and file systems. Support for Google Drive, Amazon S3, and Outlook e-mail coming soon. Informant is a client application available on both Windows and Mac OS X.

A beta version is available for download.

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