AsdeqDocs launches ECM for Android tablets

Asdeq Labs has released an enterprise mobile content management solution, AsdeqDocs, for Android tablets.

It extends the reach of the  military-grade encryption solution for the distribution, viewing and sharing of sensitive files via the Cloud already available for’ iPad and iPhone apps, with Android Smartphone and Windows available shortly.

AsdeqDocs uses the enterprise’s existing IT infrastructure, document permissions and user credentials and is compatible with more than 18 industry standard document repository systems. 

"Many organisations believe that moving documents to Cloud repositories is the only way to make documents available to workers using smartphones and tablets,” said Asdeq Labs CEO David Burden. 

“This not only inefficient for enterprises – as they must duplicate existing infrastructure and devote resources to a second system – but also extremely risky as they lose control of their IP.

"With AsdeqDocs, documents are managed in their existing repositories and permissions are maintained, keeping the enterprise fully in control when sharing data with authorised staff, customers or external partners.”

Libraries of selected files and documents are automatically synchronised between the enterprise and the mobile devices, so users always have the latest files

Mobile workers have full online and offline access to files, and documents are always available

Original documents remain on the corporate network, with tablets synchronizing and encrypting the information

All document-level permissions are maintained and full access and interaction logs are available

Uses both AD/LDAP and repository permissions automatically, without requiring separate security configurations

Secure SSL network connections for data transfer, and AES 256-encrypted containerised data storage on the tablet