Epworth Healthcare goes digital with BOSSnet
Victoria’s largest not-for-profit privately owned healthcare organisation, Epworth Healthcare, has completed a major rollout of the BOSSnet Digital Medical Record including implementation of e-forms and deployment 25+ Kodak document scanners across the 8 Epworth hospitals.
In Early 2010 Epworth commenced planning the implementation of BOSSnet DMR as a cornerstone for their vision of the Electronic Medical Record. BOSSnet was deployed at Epworth Eastern Hospital, to replace an existing scanned medical record system, which had reached End-of-Life. As the site of an existing system, Epworth Eastern was already equipped to allow a seamless and highly successful implementation of BOSSnet.
Following the success of the BOSSnet implementation at Epworth Eastern, the decision was made to extend the EMR vision to include all Epworth sites. Epworth chose to review BOSSnet against the rest of the market via a formal tender process. A full and comprehensive review of the full capabilities of BOSSnet, against all other offerings was undertaken over 6 months. The result: a January 2013 contract to roll-out BOSSnet DMR to the remaining 7 Epworth hospitals.
There are seven different Pathology and three Radiology providers interfaced directly to BOSSnet.
More than 130 different types of BOSSnet eForms have been created, replacing some 260+ versions of paper forms.
Since October 2013, 31,000+ BOSSnet eForms have been uploaded from only the Outpatient Rehab areas of Epworth.
There were 5,500+ additional BOSSnet user accounts created and users trained in system use and administration.
The rollout required 99 new laptops and 64 new computers on carts.
BOSSnet Digital Medical Record is designed as necessary step between the Electronic Medical Record and current information management processes.
Patient data is presented to the clinician in a manner which is uniquely familiar, even at first glance. BOSSnet DMR recreates the existing paper record structure, by replicating all sections and tabs.