Cognitive Computing market worth $US12B by 2019

The cognitive computing market is estimated to grow from $US2.5 billion in 2014 to $US12.5B by 2019 according to a new market research report published by MarketsandMarkets.

It says the North America region has the largest market share as well highest growth rate, followed by Europe and Asia-Pacific region. The Middle East and Africa and Latin America market are still in initial phase of introductory stage.

The report segments the Cognitive Computing Market by type of technology into Natural Language Processing (NLP), Machine Learning, and, Automated Reasoning.

According to the authors, Cognitive Computing is completely changing the way organisations use data, especially in industries like Healthcare, BFSI and Customer services.

Cognitive Computing enables a machine to think, interpret and infer information like a human brain.

The report found the key players of this market are IBM, Microsoft, Google, Palantir, and Saffron Technology.