Cloudy future for ECM in 2016

With the New Year nearly upon us, it’s no surprise that companies have begun releasing predictions for the technology industry in 2016. Independent technology analyst firm Ovum has joined in with its prediction that says the enterprise content management (ECM) space has entered a new period of rapid evolution. In its 2016 Trends to Watch report on Enterprise Content Management, Ovum outlines the major factors it expects will shape the ECM market in the coming year. These factors include content analytics, the security of content and increased concern over compliance and governance risks.

However, the largest overall impact will come from ECM in the cloud.

Australia’s CloudRecover, a Specialist Distributor of cloud based Information Management Solutions, believes that many of the past obstacles to moving ECM solutions such as HP TRIM/RM to the cloud have now been overcome.

Murray Harding, CloudRecover’s Head of Partner Business - Asia Pacific, says, “The difficulty has always been the cost and the complexity of cloud deployments. Everyone wanted to sell their own flavour of TRIM/RM in the cloud with custom add-ons and configuration.

“The Cloudrecover platform allows our partners and clients to deploy the environment in their own way.”

CloudRecover, one of the largest provider of HP’s Cloud backup and recovery solutions in Asia Pacific, is now working with a range of specialist TRIM/RM Solution Providers in the region to simplify licensing and deployment of TRM/RM in the cloud.

Via the HPE Partner eco-system, CloudRecover now provides TRIM/RM licensing in addition to private cloud hosting. A free 30-day trial is available to allow those considering a cloud alternative to test the waters before committing fully.

“We can provision a competitively priced solution that meets on exceeds HPE recommended TRIM/RM Specifications and charge per user per month, this means we take care of all the scaling of infrastructure and add more/less infrastructure as required,” said Harding.

“We manage the entire back end for the partner up to and including operating system layer and provide 24x7 support if needed plus high availability in replicated data centres.”

Some features of the Cloudrecover hosted TRIM/RM solution include:

  • PCI DSS, ISO 27001 Tier III and Australian Commonwealth government certified 
  • Up to 7 years data retention selectable
  • Cloud Data Solutions operate across over 1000 production servers

For a limited time you can take advantage of this special introductory offer from CloudRecover to enjoy free hosting. Call on 1300 722 344 or Click HERE to apply (Bring your own TRIM/RM license or HP TRIM/ Records Manager licensing is now available from CloudRecover.)

“We can take the headache and cost out of supporting, provisioning and managing the underlying infrastructure,” - Murray Harding, CloudRecover’s Head of Partner Business - Asia Pacific.