Barwon Health announces new CIO
Dr Sharon Hakkennes has been appointed Barwon Health’s new Chief Information Officer. Sharon has worked in the health care industry for more than 20 years, and has held several leadership roles at Barwon Health for some time, including Director of Health Informatics, and Manager of Physiotherapy.
“Sharon’s innovative approach and exceptional analytical skills has resulted in the development and implementation of Barwon Health’s enterprise metadata registry and information asset registry,” said Barwon Health Chief Executive, Paul Cohen.
“Sharon has also spearheaded the ongoing development of HEART, Barwon Health’s new online reporting data warehouse, which delivers timely access reports that inform how we provide care.”
These developments have also led to implementation of Barwon Health’s Sharepoint Governance model and Sharepoint Collaborative Site Project, and have ultimately positioned Barwon Health as leader in data and information governance.
Outside of Barwon Health, Sharon is Director of the Kids Plus Foundation, an organisation that delivers multi-disciplinary therapy programs for babies, children and young people with neuro developmental disabilities. She has been a member of the Department of Health’s Victorian Stroke Clinical Network Steering Committee and is currently a member of the Department’s Clinical Informatics Reference Group.
“With a demonstrated ability to collaborate, lead and engage clinical staff as well as technical staff, I look forward to Sharon’s contribution to the organisation expanding in this role as we embark on our 2015/20 Strategic Plan,” Paul said.