K1Corp smashes the barriers to ECM adoption

Enterprise content management (ECM) systems are ideal for document-intensive organisations that are looking for a cost-effective way to eliminate paper-based workflow and filing systems. However, one of the major obstacles to ECM adoption is upfront software licensing costs, a barrier that Knowledgeone Corporation is eliminating with a revolutionary new Pricing Model for the RecFind 6 Enterprise Content Management Solution.

“We have revised our pricing methodologies and algorithms in line with changing business practices and client expectations. The current per seat or named user or per concurrent user pricing models are as old as the software industry itself and long past their use-by date,” said Frank McKenna,  Knowledgeone Corporation CEO.

Under the new pricing model, available from July 1, 2016, all RecFind 6 software can be provided at no cost as long as it is under a current Automatic Software Upgrade (ASU) agreement.

New and existing customers are being urged to take up the new annual ASU which is equivalent to thirty-percent (30%) of the retail value of the software and can be paid in a lump sum, 12 months in advance or via a monthly subscription.

“We believe that our new pricing model is both revolutionary and entirely appropriate to today’s software ecosystem and our clients’ expectations of “increasing value”. Software is now a commodity with services being the real value component. Our new pricing model perfectly reflects this new paradigm whereby we charge only for services, not for software,” said McKenna.

“To reiterate, under the new pricing model, we no longer charge license fees for RecFind 6 software. This includes the core product RecFind 6 as well as all add-on products like GEM, RecCapture, the RecFind 6 Button, etc. The only charges will be for the ASU and for any services purchased (e.g., training, consulting, installation, etc.).”

Please click here to request a quotation based on the new pricing model. Also receive a complimentary comparison of costs to the competition.

If you have any questions about this new pricing paradigm, please contact Knowledgeone CEO Mr. Frank McKenna on f.mckenna@knowledgeonecorp.com. Frank is happy to respond to any questions you may have.