RecordPoint wins Victoria Police deal

Victoria Police has selected RecordPoint as its data and records management, compliance and governance platform.
Once implemented, the platform will manage all the key data systems across the force’s 23,000+ staff under a seven-year, $A7.2 million contract.
Victoria Police is one of the 10 largest police forces in the world.
Victoria Police joins other Australian public sector customers across local, state and federal governments, including the Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet, DTA, NDIA, Transport for NSW, Victorian Department of Premier and Cabinet, DET Victoria and others.
Founded in 2009, RecordPoint supports highly-regulated companies and government agencies globally.
RecordPoint connects seamlessly to standardized systems with common configurations, such as Microsoft 365 applications like SharePoint, OneDrive, and Outlook, and Google Workspace, but can also accommodate unique configurations of various systems like Salesforce or Workday for example, which often differ in their usage from one organization to another.
Once you have established such a data inventory, the RecordPoint platform can identify and classify sensitive data, including PII, and assign a retention schedule so you can manage your data privacy risk. The platform can also help you identify data that can be safely removed, and help you dispose of any redundant, obsolete, and trivial data (ROT).