e.law adds Relativity to ediscovery
e.law has become a Relativity Premium Hosting Partner and is now offering the e‐discovery review platform that handles document analysis, review and production.
Relativity provides both native electronic file review and traditional scanned and hard copy review with integrated keyword searching, advanced analytics and concept searching, flexible workflow capabilities, foreign language support and advanced reporting functionality.
Geoffrey Lambert, consultant at e.law commented, “Recent developments in Australia including Federal Court Practice Note CM 6 as well as developments in Asia Pacific, United Kingdom and the United States, all highlight increasingly mandated requirements to address the challenges involved with the management and discovery of electronically stored information.
“It is clear, that practitioners and their clients will increasingly be required to address the myriad obligations associated with the growing need to efficiently manage document‐intensive litigation involving ESI and the high and often disproportionate costs of discovery.”
“The strategic decision to add Relativity to our product portfolio stems from our business objective to continuously explore innovative solutions and develop our services and products to meet the needs of our clients in a cost effective and legally compliant manner.”
Allison Stanfield, CEO of e.law adds, “At e.law we are all about our clients, we want to ensure we are providing them what they need. It is imperative that we are offer premium solutions, as well as provide a level of flexibility and a variety of options, which we can tailor to suit individual client requirements. e.law understands the rapid development of obligations surrounding discovery and the benefits that the Relativity platform brings. I am particularly excited with the addition of Relativity to the mix and look forward to future developments.”