IIM 2011 addresses information governance

The Institute for Information Management (IIM) is building up to its 2011 National Conference that will be held from May 16-18 in the national capital.

The event will begin with a day of workshops followed by a two day program of presentations that will explore various tactical and operational aspects of information governance. It will provide an opportunity to discuss the challenges of compliance, interoperability, collaboration and continuous evolution of Information Management discipline.

The IIM National Conference 2011 will be organised as a key event of the Information Awareness Month (IAM) 2011. IAM aims to increase public awareness of information and its place in all aspects of daily life.

Conference themes include:
Managing Information in Emergency Response and Recovery
Social Side of Information
Value of Business Intelligence
Information overload
Freedom of Information
Public Sector Information Release Framework
New Ways – How digital natives create, capture, consume and process information
Planning from the Future Backward: How to Strategically Plan in Times of Turbulence
Role of Information Manager
Market Overview from Analysts’ Perspective
Visualisation of Information: Turning Data into Business Insight
Integration of Business Insight and Business Processes
Managing Budget Information
Establishing Best Practice Business Classification Scheme
Leading Practices of Efficient Management of Information Assets
How Australian Companies Can Extract More Value From Business Intelligence
Innovative Ways of Managing Digital Records
Innovative Solutions for Tomorrow's Information Challenges

For more information visit www.iim.org.au