TIO adds Resolve

The Telecommunications Industry Ombudsman (TIO) is partnering with Melbourne‐based software developer Resolve to implement a business‐critical case management system.

Used to manage consumer complaints received by the Ombudsman, Resolve’s purpose-designed and built case management solution will replace an old system to meet the current and ongoing needs of the TIO, and improve the service delivery provided to consumers.

The busiest industry Ombudsman scheme in Australia, the TIO responds to between 5,000 and 6,000 calls each week from dissatisfied consumers with grievances about telecommunications service providers, and processes nearly 168,000 new complaints annually (2009-2010).

With the implementation of the Resolve Case Management solution, the TIO expects to achieve a number of key objectives including the improvement of process efficiency and consistency, and member accessibility, through system automation and self-service functionality. These advancements will in turn increase data integrity and cost efficiencies.

The TIO is a free and independent alternative dispute resolution scheme for small business and residential consumers in Australia who have a complaint about their telephone or Internet service. Established in 1993 under a Federal Act of Parliament, the TIO is independent of industry, the government and consumer organisations. The TIO is authorised to investigate complaints about the provision or supply of telephone or Internet services.

Resolve has been successful in the Government and Ombudsman marketplace, with 9 State and Commonwealth Ombudsman offices currently utilising Resolve as their primary business management solution, along with 12 industry Ombudsman offices and 26 State and Federal Government Departments.