Linus wins Centrelink business continuity contract

Business solutions developer Linus has been contracted to provide Centrelink with Business
Continuity Management (BCM) software to over one thousand users throughout Australia.


Linus Revive was purchased by the Australian Department of Human Services, which includes
Centrelink, Medicare and other Agencies.

"We believe this will be the largest implementation of BCM software in Australia," said Saul Midler, CEO of Linus.

Linus Revive covers planning, maintenance, response and recovery, with the look and feel
of a desktop application, integrating with tool sets and facilities PC users already know, such as Mincrosot , Project and Skype.

Linus Revive clients include Allianz Insurance (Australia), Department of Transport (Victoria), Village Roadshow, Medibank Private, Heritage Building Society, HostPlus and Emergency Services Telecommunications Authority (000 Emergency).