IP fax market to hit $US700M in 2014 says analyst report

A report into the "Computer Fax Markets, 2009-2014" by Research and Markets predicts that the market will grow to $US700 million in 2014, driven by the rise of fax over Internet protocol (FoIP) servers, the emergence of production fax as a key market segment, businesses connecting multifunction peripherals (MFPs) to fax servers, and the rise of unified communications.

Trends in fax server software highlighted in the report include:

fax over IP servers, which will be driven by the virtualisation of servers, by the fax-enabling of Sharepoint applications, and because FoIP saves businesses money during installation and operation.

production fax, which grew by at an astounding rate of 57.5% rate during the forecast period from an adjusted $US69 million in 2008 to $US110 million in 2009, and will grow by a 13.8% CAGR to $US220 million by 2014.

multifunction peripherals (MFPs), where support by fax servers will drive the third most growth in the market, and which will account for 32% of fax server revenues by the end of the forecast period.
unified messaging, where the rate at which fax is sold with UM systems will nearly double during the forecast period, from 24.2% in 2009 to 42.5% in 2014. By the end of the decade, 70% of the total fax server market will be accounted for by desktop faxing (of which 42.5% will be for unified messaging), whereas 30% will be from production fax. Still, in terms of pages sent, production fax will send more than desktop fax throughout the forecast period.