University of Sydney Resolves to learn from complaints

The University of Sydney (USYD) has chosen Resolve to design and implement a new Enterprise Complaints and Disputes Handling System to overcome consistency, productivity, and compliance issues experienced with their existing system.

USYD currently utilises a number of technologies to host, manage and track complaints and disputes received from the general public, staff and students, with a number of faculties, departments and administrative units utilising their own stand-alone systems to accommodate this process.

These systems are limited in their functionality, lack integration across core business systems, and are relatively unsupported. This disparity and lack of functionality presents administrative difficulties in relation to the coordinated recording, management, and tracking of complaints and disputes, as well as USYD’s compliance and reporting obligations.

The implementation of the new Resolve Enterprise Complaints and Disputes Handling System (ECDHS) will address these issues and meet the core business need to standardise the complaints and disputes management process and workflows to ensure accuracy, productivity, timely response and reporting.

Resolve will provide USYD with automated and standardised workflow management capability. The system will include web-based technology to facilitate online lodgement, and will be able to interface to complimentary USYD systems such as TRIM, Microsoft Outlook and SharePoint.

Resolve’s centralised and secured data management infrastructure will ensure access to data is restricted to the applicable business unit, and will only be made available to individual users on a ‘need to know’ basis. Greater reporting functionality will allow for better management and operational decision making and compliance.

Resolve’s experience and expertise in the education sector is growing with implementations in the Department of Education and Training QLD (Ethical Standards Unit and Legal and Administrative Law Branch) and Victoria’s Merit Protection Boards (part of the Department of Education and Early Childhood Development).

Established in 1994, Resolve is an Australian owned and operated global provider of Dynamic Case Management solutions.