RecFind 6 EDRMS wins over Tasmanian council

Waratah-Wynyard Council in North West Tasmania has upgraded its KnowledgeOne electronic document & records management solution (EDRMS) to the latest version RecFind 6 to enhance its information management processes.

Paul Smith, the Council’s Executive Manager for Corporate Governance said “our implementation of RecFind 6 has gone extremely well. I have been very happy with the cooperation and support provided through implementation and training.  Staff have been impressed with the ease of use of the system and are really excited about the opportunities for business improvement.”

The initial phase of the project encompassed rolling a core electronic document & records management solution (EDRMS), involving the capture & management of e-mail, web sites, scanned documents, office documents and where appropriate hard copy records.

In addition, a Human Resource (HR) Information Management System has been implemented. The RecFind 6 HR System allows the Council to manage an up-to-date and searchable database of employee information. It also facilitates common HR processes such as recruitment, performance management, leave management, learning and development  and a host of other HR related activities common to any organization including mentoring, coaching, job rotation, succession planning, fast track selection, etc..

Subsequent phases will consider expanding RecFind 6 to also cover Asset Management and Customer Request Management systems.

Tony Holland, Sales & Marketing Director at Knowledgeone Corporation said “The RecFind 6 Information Management System is an ideal solution for the Council as it  includes in the standard product the licensing & capability to run multiple applications. That is, as well as being your core EDRMS RecFind 6 can be your contract management system, asset management system, human resources information management system, complaints management system, help desk incident system and / or your Customer Relationship Management system (CRM).”