Civica UK acquires document management specialist

Civica UK has acquired Gateway Computing a specialist supplier of electronic document management (EDM) systems together with associated business process services including outsourced document scanning.

In Australia and New Zealand Civica provides enterprise applications for local government,  health insurance funds and the education sector.

Gateway Computing provides one of the leading EDM systems for the UK health care sector, supplying more than 50 NHS organisations including some of the UK’s largest Trusts, together with outsourced scanning services which are used to digitise more than 140 million images annually.

The acquisition extends Civica’s presence and expertise in particular in the health sector at a time when electronic document management is increasingly seen as a means to increase efficiency and productivity. Gateway has a successful track record, and together the combined Group supplies more than 275 NHS Trusts including more than 80% of Acute Trusts in England.

Simon Downing, Civica chief executive, said, “I am delighted to welcome Gateway to the Group. The business strengthens and extends our position in an important market area in keeping with our vision to help customers streamline their services and achieve significant savings through a distinctive combination of specialist systems, IT managed services and business process outsourcing.”

Scott Wilce, managing director of Gateway Computing, said, “The acquisition is a very positive step for the business. The combination of Gateway’s specialist solutions with Civica’s market-leading product and service portfolio represents a unique capability to respond to our customers’ needs, in particular to improve the handling of documents and data in order to transform the way they work.”