Kodak wins approval to auction Digital Imaging patents

Kodak (US) has obtained approval from the Bankruptcy Court to conduct an auction to sell its Digital Capture and Kodak Imaging Systems and Services (KISS) patent portfolios.

Kodak’s motion was contested by Apple and FlashPoint Technologies which have asserted “ownership” interests in a small number of the 1,100 patents in the portfolios. The Bankruptcy Court, over Apple and Flashpoint’s objections, found that all of the patents in the Digital Capture and KISS patent portfolios are property of Kodak’s estate.

“We are gratified that the Court has enabled us to move ahead with our patent auction in a timely manner and with clarity on ownership for the winning buyer,” said Timothy Lynch, Kodak Vice President and Chief Intellectual Property Officer.

The auction is expected to be held in early August.

Kodak is selling the patents as part of its program to emerge from Chapter 11 bankruptcy.

Lynch said:  “The Apple and FlashPoint claims are baseless and Kodak will still seek dismissal on summary judgment in July. However, today’s ruling provides a Court-approved process allowing buyers to acquire the patents free and clear of all ownership allegations, regardless of the status of the dispute with Apple and Flashpoint at the time of closing.”