Weblogics jumps on Cloud to expand market reach

Australian enterprise software specialist Weblogics has launched its flagship Intralogic suite on the Amazon Cloud platform, increasing the size and reach of the market it can service.

Intralogic on Amazon provides a full suite of collaboration and knowledge management tools for staff, allowing organisations across the globe to easily and affordably manage content, documents, CAD drawings, emails and business processes. 

Previously available as an ‘off-the-shelf business intranet’, Intralogic has proved popular for companies seeking alternatives to build-your-own products like SharePoint because of its affordability and rapid deployment.

Weblogics now offers customers access to its Intralogic suite on a ‘pay as you go’ basis. Delivered by Amazon Web Services (AWS), the Intralogic suite can be accessed from anywhere in the world by customers using only a Web browser.

Already, two long-standing Weblogics customers, a child and family organisation in NSW, and a South Australian government department, have migrated their Intralogic deployments to Weblogics’ AWS platform.

Weblogics Managing Director Jonathan Harris said teaming with market-leading Cloud provider Amazon Web Services was a giant leap in its delivery of the Intralogic business solution. “AWS takes delivery of our business solutions into a new realm,” he said.

“The value proposition of Cloud delivery of intranet software is more than compelling - it’s a no-brainer! We can deploy a new site in minutes, on a platform that has lowered its cost structures six times in six years - without needing to engage with the IT department.

“Intralogic on Amazon removes the need for customers to invest in Information Technology and the technical staff needed to maintain it. For Weblogics, this opens the door to thousands of businesses who need to use IT, but don’t want to own it. People are moving away from complex internal systems: They want rapid deployment without any lock-in. That’s exactly what Intralogic on Amazon delivers.”

Mr. Harris said Intralogic on Amazon also gave customers the on-demand ability to scale services to meet immediate needs. “For example, Intralogic’s Blueprint application is designed to serve engineering/construction customers that need to process large CAD files,” he said.

“For these customers, a scalable storage system is a mission-critical requirement. The ability of Amazon S3 (Amazon Simple Storage Service) to process large volumes of data ensures it can become a key element in Intralogic’s Blueprint data processing pipeline. Customers can upload thousands of drawings from a modified Autodesk Revit model. Despite the huge spike in computer power required to do this, we can configure AWS to automatically expand to ensure optimal resources are available on demand.”
