PlanetPress Capture means more than putting pen to paper

Scanning data from paper forms is one way to capture information, however other alternatives exist with solutions such as the digital pen and software that can recognise data as it is handwritten. 

Using Anoto digital pen technology, Objectif Lune claims PlanetPress Capture 7.5 is very different from other Anoto-based digital pen and software solutions as it adds document composition and automated workflow capabilities. Another unique feature is that PlanetPress Suite users can add the Anoto dot pattern to specific zones, where a signature is required. There is no need to print patterns on the entire page. 

Applying patterns to specific areas allows documents to be printed at engine speed, eliminating delays and issues typically associated with the standard dot patterns that cover the entire page.

Once a document is signed or completed, the information is recorded in the pen. Once the pen is docked or transferred via Bluetooth it creates a unique trigger to transfer a small file, roughly 2kb in size, which allows for quick transfer across a variety of networks. The information is then sent to PlanetPress Suite, triggering an output process: create PDF, archive, print, email or fax distribution. 

A digital version of the document can also be indexed and archived in any electronic document management (EDM) system without the need to scan or further manipulate, hence the document becomes readily available quicker supplying productivity gains and a reduction in invoicing cycles. The digital version of the document is a perfect image of the original document, which is one of the downsides of having to scan documents. This improves the customer experience as the document is easier to read and more professional. 

PlanetPress Capture is currently being used by large South African retailer the Lewis Group, which has implemented 1200 of the pens to help reengineer its business processes.

Using the pens allows staff to complete documents by pen and have the document input to EDM systems automatically without manual scanning and data-entry

When credit applications were previously submitted by Lewis Group customers at one of its 600 branches, three copies of the 13 page contract would have to be printed. A signed copy was then shipped to head office as a paper file where it would be scanned.

This introduced the typical problems of manual paper handling, as well as high printing and shipping costs. Also any changes to contract layouts would take 5 to 14 days to implement

Now as soon as the customer's signature is captured, the form is “closed” and archived in an EDM system.

Where three copies of a multipart business form previously had to be printed; only one is now necessary, generating huge cost savings. When the single printed copy is signed, the wet ink copy is kept by the local office. Immediately upon signing, a PDF archive occurs, with a copy emailed to the customer or printed locally to give to customer.  

Where boxes of signed contracts had to be regularly shipped to head office for processing and archiving. Everything is now done electronically, saving both on time and shipping costs.

The Anoto pen requires paper printed with a special pattern to enable handwriting recognition.

Planet Press removes the need to print the full page in the special pattern, instead it is able to narrow this down to the specific signature capture zones on the page.

The patterns are stored in a condensed format which results in low weight PDFs for distribution to stores and for archiving.

The PlanetPress Capture solution essentially helps eliminate the costly and time consuming paper trail associated to business processes, and as such can be applicable to a variety of uses.

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