HDS Raise Mid-Range Storage Bar

HDS Raise Mid-Range Storage Bar

August 14, 2007: Hitachi Data Systems says it has hit upon a ‘new dimension for midrange storage performance’ with its Hitachi Adaptable Modular Storage model AMS1000 tested as an ideal platform for Microsoft Exchange.

In what HDS say will establish a whole new dimension for midrange storage performance and scalability, testing has proven the AMS1000 supports more than 25,000 concurrent Exchange 2007 users.

HDS demonstrated the AMS1000 capabilities through the Microsoft Exchange Solution Reviewed Program (ESRP), designed by Microsoft to facilitate third-party storage testing and solution publishing for Exchange Server.

Jon Orton product manager at Microsoft Corp says customer planning Exchange Server 2007 deployments can rely 9on the Microsoft ESRP program to plan their storage.

“We’re pleased to have HDS participating in the program,” says Orton. “Publishing an ESRP solution helps HDS validate the capabilities of the AMS1000 midrange storage system for Exchange Server 2007.

First introduced in April 2006, the AMS1000 is designed to assist organisations in optimising the performance and security of their data access to critical business applications like email, ERP, CRM and databases.

With application performance often the critical piece in a storage decision, HDS says the AMS1000 delivers non-disruptive ‘on the fly’ data movement, assisting in the hisgh performance of a number of different applications across concurrent users.

With today’s organisations having as many as 500,000 Exchange users, the need for a robust, high availability storage solution has never been greater,” says Peter Smails, senior director of Global Product Marketing at HDS.

“HDS and Microsoft solutions offer midrange storage customers the industry’s highest levels of availability, performance and scalability, while also easing growth, decreasing backup times and improving administration of their Exchange Server environments.”

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