Metalogix announces Sensitive Content Manager

Metalogix has announced a Technology Preview of Metalogix ControlPoint 6.0 with Sensitive Content Manager for Personally Identifiable Information (PII).

Sensitive Content breaches can occur in any business and the impact of these security incidents has become increasingly more pervasive. To prevent these inadvertent or malicious threats and breaches today, an organization must scan, detect, classify and then take action to prevent content breaches.

Metalogix Sensitive Content Manager, powered by a patent pending machine learning analysis engine, automates this critical security operation.

It claims to surpass existing pattern matching and regular expression Data Loss Prevention solutions to provide more accurate and intelligent content scanning and identification. When integrated with ControlPoint 6.0, Metalogix’ permissions management solution, it automates the compliance lifecycle for Intelligent Sensitive Content Management.

“Inappropriate storage, access and distribution of sensitive content combined with inadvertent and malicious insider threats can have significant and lasting negative financial, brand and legal impacts on organizations,” said Steven Murphy, CEO, Metalogix.

“With SharePoint, email and file content storage in the cloud is on a meteoric rise. Organizations that do not automatically detect, classify and also apply the appropriate access permissions to sensitive content open themselves up to the possibility of severe penalties, lawsuits and shareholder complaints.”

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