Immuta enhances Data Security Posture Management

Immuta has announced new vulnerability risk assessment and dynamic query classification capabilities for the Immuta Data Security Platform. These new features enable customers to promptly identify and prioritize security gaps, protecting sensitive data based on the context and sensitivity levels. When combined with Immuta’s data discovery and security features, these capabilities provide for data security posture management (DSPM).

“While some cybersecurity tools exist to uncover vulnerabilities in cloud infrastructure, using those tools to mitigate data security risks doesn’t work. They don’t have enough context about the data, said Mo Plassnig, chief product officer, Immuta.

“With Immuta’s new Dynamic Query Classification, we’re giving customers the ability to protect data based on its full context. Rather than using static and often stale data classifications from a past point in time, Immuta can now make dynamic classifications based on how the data is accessed.”

The transition to the cloud has fundamentally changed the way organizations do business and has allowed many to thrive in today’s evolving hybrid remote workforce. Processes have been streamlined, teams work more collaboratively and efficiently, and data is more available than ever.

However, the likelihood of a data breach has also increased drastically. DSPM has emerged as a new category of solutions aimed at discovering and mapping data flows and repositories to address new cloud data security and privacy challenges.

The new features help customers protect, manage, and remediate data by making it easy to identify and dynamically protect sensitive data, monitor, and measure data access risk, and provide effective data protection across the leading cloud data platforms.

Immuta’s vulnerability risk assessment capability continuously processes audit events from logs across data sources, user privileges, and data sensitivity to produce actionable and low-latency insights and alerts to eliminate vulnerability gaps in your Snowflake cloud data platform.

Dynamic query classification helps organizations protect sensitive data by categorizing it according to its content and required level of sensitivity through a combination with other data sets of constantly changing customer, financial, and health data. Dynamic query classification works on data queries that read columns from one or more tables to uncover toxic data combinations. This is designed to dynamically cover a wide variety of compliance postures, including the major data privacy regulations and security standards: GDPR, CCPA, HIPAA, and PCI, as well as best practices like ISO 27001 or NIST, and corporate policies.


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