Symantec Simplifies Data Centre Management

Symantec Simplifies Data Centre Management

December 5, 2006: Symantec today announced two new capabilities within its Veritas Server Foundation product family, targeting large enterprises that depend on the data centre to provide critical business information. The two products are Patch Manager and Application Director.

Most large-enterprises recognise the need for high availability of their business systems, whether it’s process or resource management, email communications or client service. Organisations with a greater dependence on their online channel to reach customers will only be too aware of the losses when these systems are unavailable to their customers. Given that the cost of searching for alternatives on the Internet is negligible compared to physical searches it is no wonder that online customers are more fickle.

Bolstering its Server Foundation product suite, the Veritas Application Director is designed to maximise server utilisation and application availability to help control when and where multi-tiered applications run across heterogeneous physical and virtual environments. These include operating systems, storage and servers in a data centre.

Symantec also says the new product provides more granular visibility and control for virtualised environments by monitoring applications within a virtual server, the virtual server itself and the hardware it sits on. The product supports Sun’s Solaris Zones, EMC’s VMware ESX and IBM’s AIX Micro-partitions virtualised environments.

Paul Lancaster, Symantec’s director of ANZ pre-sales systems, says that organisations are trying to reduce the complexity of running a data centre as well as control IT budgets.

Says Lancaster: “Many organisations have hundreds of tool sets in place. Every vendor offers a tool set for each product installed at a data centre. The single tool set offered by Symantec has been designed to enable configuration, provisioning and server management, driving multiple toolsets out of the equation.”

“Patch Manager allows for centralised server and applications management. You can drive patches to the operating system, be it Unix, Windows, Solaris or HPUX. Then the Application Director toolset allows you to drive policies for applications to control these across various operating systems and multiple tiers at the server and storage level.”

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