Tasmanian Government Goes Virtual

Tasmanian Government Goes Virtual

June 18, 2008: EMC’s VMware has announced that the Tasmanian government has used its Infrastructure 3 to standardise and consolidate its state-wide server farms, improving its business continuity and disaster recovery processes while reducing the carbon footprint of its datacenter.

The breadth of the Tasmanian government, including state departments, local councils and government business enterprises, will use VMware to improve efficiency and reduce the environmental impact of IT operations.

“As a government dedicated to green initiatives, the environmental benefits which will be realised as a result of VMware virtualisation are enormous,” said Ian Scott, Business Development Manager, TMD – Department of Premier & Cabinet. “The decision to standardise on VMware Infrastructure is in line with our commitment to cut the environmental impact of our government activities.”

The Tasmanian government plans to consolidate the majority of its servers using VMware virtualisation to minimize its datacenters' carbon footprint and reduce hardware operating costs, while improving its business continuity and disaster recovery processes.

VMware partner Alphawest will provide services and support to the Tasmanian State Government for the project.

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