Gartner Puts NetApp in the “Magic Quadrant”

Gartner Puts NetApp in the “Magic Quadrant”

December 29th, 2006: In new research, Gartner has dubbed Network Appliance as one of the leaders in the “Magic Quadrant” for midrange enterprise disk arrays.

In the research note, “Magic Quadrant for Midrange Enterprise Disk Array, 2H06,” Gartner defines a leader in this quadrant as having “the market share, credibility, and marketing and sales capabilities needed to drive the acceptance of new technologies. It demonstrates understanding of market needs, is an innovator and thought leader, and has well-articulated plans that customers and prospects can use in designing their storage infrastructure and strategies.”

No wonder NetApp is chuffed about the title. NetApp’s executive vice president and general manager of Enterprise Storage Systems Tom Georgens certainly was, and took the opportunity to differentiate the company from its peers.

“Network Appliance believes that technology leaders have the responsibility to continually drive business value through applied innovation,” said Georgens. “Where some vendors see ‘markets,’ we see thousands of individual organisations - each with its own set of unique business challenges - struggling to efficiently manage the vast amounts of data in their growing enterprise environments.”

The research note is available on Gartner’s website.

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