CaminoSoft Gives Pointers For Storage Migration

CaminoSoft Gives Pointers For Storage Migration

November 7th, 2006: ILM and storage provider CaminoSoft has pulled the sheet off its new platform migration utility, promising easier transitions for organisations switching between Novell NetWare to Novell SUSE, Microsoft Windows, or NetApp Filer server platforms.

CaminoSoft claims that by running its Managed Server HSM for NetWare on Novell servers, inactive and semi-active files can be relocated from pricey tier-1 primary storage to tier-2 secondary storage based on specific migration policies and leaving behind only small “file pointers” on the primary volumes.

From here the company says that files be pushed back further onto tier-3 archival storage platforms, including EMC Centera, IBM Tivoli/DR550, HDS HCAP, and tape or optical libraries. After this, when migrating to a new platform, the utility converts the NetWare file pointers to the corresponding platform format, and the full-file content remains on its designated storage tier.

“Organisations that are planning to move from NetWare to SUSE Linux, Windows 2000/2003 or NetApp Filer get immediate benefits by implementing our solution well in advance of the platform changeover,” said Neil Murvin, chief technology officer at CaminoSoft. “In addition to managing their files automatically instead of manually, most firms experience a dramatic reduction in backup and recovery time and can reclaim up to 70 percent of their existing primary NetWare storage resources for active files.

“This further simplifies the eventual platform migration process because inactive files stay put and are not recalled, allowing IT administrators to focus their attention on the active production files that are critical to day-to-day operations.”

The company plans to incorporate NetWare-to-Linux server platform migration capabilities following the release of its Managed Server HSM for Linux solution in early 2007.

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