BridgeHead and EMC Integrate and Automate

BridgeHead and EMC Integrate and Automate

October 19th, 2006: BridgeHead Software has completed integration of its HT ISM storage management technology with EMC’s Centera Content-Addressed Storage (CAS) hardware, promising greater levels of automation for multi-site data recovery operations.

The company says that the combination of its HT FileStore, HT Backup and HT Data Repository with EMC’s Centera CAS will provide long-term, multi-site, multi-copy archiving for compliance, backup and disaster recovery.

EMC’s Centera is known for its ability to manage infrequently changing digital assets such as medical images, GIS data, scanned documents, research results and personnel files. HT ISM on the other hand, is a storage management platform that BridgeHead says enables enterprises to integrate key storage management functions, such as archive, backup, and replication into a single administrative process.

BridgeHead says that combining these two creates a powerful solution for identifying data to be stored and automatically transferring it as part of a multi-copy, multi-site disaster recovery archiving strategy.

“EMC Centera CAS provides the right mix of data integrity and availability for storing fixed content,” says Tony Cotterill, Managing Director of BridgeHead Software. “When combined with BridgeHead’s Integrated Storage Management products, our mutual customers are better able to manage their data safely and securely for compliance purposes while at the same time improve management and effective use of their storage resources.”

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