EMC Buys Its Way Into Information Security

EMC Buys Its Way Into Information Security

September 20th, 2006: Hot on the heels of its US$2.1 billion acquisition of RSA security, EMC has whipped out the wallet once again and parted with $175 million for Network Security.

EMC’s deal with RSA was finalised on Monday with EMC paying US$28 per share, while simultaneously the company closed its deal with Network Intelligence.

RSA is a market leader when it comes to protecting and managing online identities and digital assets. Along with encryption and key management software and fraud protection solutions it brings a lot of security expertise to EMC’s table.

Network Intelligence on the other hand, is a leader in the security information and event management market, and will give EMC new tools to collect and analyse security events as they happen within a network, PC, storage device on in an application for greater protection from security breeches and compliance. Both companies are based in Massachusetts, their acquisition will provide the bedrock on which EMC will build an entirely new information security division.

“Information security continues to dominate the spending intentions of CIO's around the world,” says Joe Tucci, EMC's Chairman, President and CEO. “The battlefront in security has quickly shifted from securing the network perimeter to protecting and securing the information itself--wherever that information lives and wherever it moves.

“The additions of RSA and Network Intelligence to the EMC family enable us to execute on our information-centric security strategy to help organizations around the world secure their information throughout its lifecycle and reduce the associated cost of regulatory compliance.”

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