Storage Networking World Wraps Up!

Storage Networking World Wraps Up!

September 27, 2006: After two successful days, a mix of seminars, presentations, exhibitions, networking and even a spot of music, SNW has closed its doors leaving delegates and visitors alike with a new outlook on the world of content storage.

Showcasing up to 40 vendors on its exhibition floor, and hosting a conference for end-users two floors above at the Sydney Convention Centre, the event provided a step towards interoperability and standardisation of storage solutions.

The conference room hosted a variety of speakers, audience members and vendors and provided a platform for sharing thoughts on the maturing of storage. From lifecycle management, to file system virtualisation and networked file management, attendees brainstormed on the future of information management.

A number of key insights on the future of storage came from various end-users presenting case studies and best practice knowledge. Vendors also gave their two-cents worth by challenging each other on whose solutions could better assist the industry.

Opening day one of the event, Gartner representative Phillip Sergeant said managing content will become more difficult in the future as information constantly grows.

During a panel discussion from end-users providing their disaster recovery perspectives, panellists stressed the importance of looking beyond an organisation’s risk assessment. Martin Barbary, Manager Strategic Initiatives, Adelaide University, gave a compelling example from his organisations own recent data disaster. When a flood hit one of Adelaide University’s two data centres, 85% of the University’s data literally ‘washed away.’ “We lost a whole data centre which is greatly catastrophic,” said Martin.

Later during streamlined sessions, Peter Leonard, Partner at Gilbert and Tobin, added a legal perspective warning his audience to understand compliance. “It’s important to think not only of the legal consequences,” he said. “But also the media impact.”

Meanwhile the action was consistent on the Exhibition floor downstairs. Vendors travelled from across Australia and the world to offer their endless solutions on the challenges ahead. Conference delegates and visitors mingled in a relaxed space and were provided with opportunities to participate in ‘speed networking,’ lunch, roundtables and even drinks of wine and Champaign to a relaxed backdrop of dancing and music.

While vendors mixed together on the exhibition floor and participated in conference discussions, their differences remained to be seen and no doubt, the storage wars will continue. All in all a pleasant two days worth of information – where we store it however, remains to be decided.

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