Incipient Announces Storage Virtualisation Platform

Incipient Announces Storage Virtualisation Platform

September 29, 2006: Incipient has finalised beta testing for its Network Storage Platform (iNSP,) a product that comes as the result of $US79 million in venture funding

To be marketing at organsiations with 80-100 TB of storage, iNSP provides a virtualisation solution to moving data across storage arrays in multi-tiered enterprise storage environments. Incipient say it is the first platform to be totally embedded on an industry standard director-class intelligent fibre channel switch.

The immediate launch of iNSP will support Cisco MDS 900 Series multilayer SAN Switches with Cisco Storage Service Modules installed. The product will also support the arrays of the big guns of storage including EMC, HP, HDS and IBM.

Announced at the Storage Decisions conference in New York this week, Incipient says the product will assist the movement and migration of data to alternate arrays in mass storage environments. Primarily, iNSP is designed to assist in the movement of data without the downtime.

“Moving arrays in and out of storage environments is a nightmare and data mobility is the biggest pain,” says Rob Infantino, senior vice president of marketing for Incipient.

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