Quantum Meets Digital Video Demands Head On

Quantum Meets Digital Video Demands Head On

March 8, 2006: Digital video production is gobbling increasing amounts of storage resources while simultaneously placing greater demands on performance and data accessibility. To achieve this elusive mix without resorting to pricey disk storage, Quantum has released its SDLT 600A tape drive technology in Australia.

Aimed at the Broadcast industry, Quantum’s SDLT 600A has been specifically designed for professional video applications and the volume of data they produce.

With support for 300 Gb Super DLTtape II media, it allows six hours of 100Mb/s high-definition content to be securely archived. And because it enables direct access to metadata such as timecode, specific portions of footage can be retrieved without having to restore the whole file, and at speeds up to 288 megabits per-second.

It can be deployed as a stand alone unit, rackmount or library and plugged straight into a standard Gigabit Ethernet network for immediate use. It also features a built in FTP server, which allows direct access from every computer on the network.

Quantum say that along with increases in speed and archival capacity, the SDLT 600A comes at one-fourth the cost of comparable videotape storage on a per-gigabyte basis.

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