McData Woos WAFS Market

McData Woos WAFS Market

March 14, 2006: According to the new agreement announced yesterday, McData will be re-branding and reselling Riverbed wide are file services (WAFS) appliance, the Steelhead.

Renamed the SpectraNet wide-area data services (WDS) Accelerator, McData will be using Riverbed’s WAFS appliance to spearhead a new family of data consolidation services.

Riverbed’s appliance accelerates TCP traffic over wide area networks (WANs) by as much as 100 times. This allows more data to be consolidated at a central location, with less load on WAN links and without interruption staff workflow.

“We spent a year carefully evaluating vendors in the application and WAN acceleration space and chose to partner with Riverbed for our ROC (remote office consolidation) offering,” says Todd Oseth, chief operating officer at McDATA. “Riverbed¹s award-winning Steelhead appliance product family is best able to meet customer requirements for remote office application performance and consolidation of data.”

McData is coming to the WAN Acceleration table quite late and will be competing with vendors such as HP, Brocade and Cisco.

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