Government and Industry Join Forces to Boost ICT

State and Industry Drive ICT Legislation

December 5, 2005: But where is the Federal Government? Today the peak industry body, the AIIA, announced that it is joining forces with the Victorian Government to increase business opportunities for Victorian based Information and Communications Technology (ICT) companies.

The two will partner up to work on a new collaborative ICT industry project, CollabIT, that is yet to be detailed. The AIIA and Multimedia Victoria say that they will offer like-minded companies the opportunity to form collaborative networks, or clusters, to source new markets and increase sales.

AIIA’s Chief Executive Officer, Rob Durie, says that CollabIT is part of AIIA’s vision to create a globally competitive local ICT industry.

Mr Durie says that CollabIT will enable small to medium sized enterprises (SMEs) to expand opportunities by identifying skills and sharing that knowledge and resources for joint activities such as product development, tendering and business growth.

Expressions of interest in the project are currently being sought from companies or individuals in the Victorian ICT industry. There will be an information session in February 2006, further details can be obtained by contacting John Dean on: 02 6281 9410 or by email

IDM reported last week on the Victorian government’s decision to significantly reform Information and Communication Technology (ICT) legislation. With the Australian Information Industry Association (AIIA) also joining the fray the question has to be asked: When will national legislation be introduced to help industry in the global market?

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