Disk Storage Revenue Marks Record Growth

Disk Storage Revenue Marks Record Growth

December 6, 2005: According to research firm IDC, the global external disk storage system market has grown by 13.3% over the last year. This is a record year-over-year rate and translates to a new high of US$5.7 billion.

The report is compiled using IDC’s Worldwide Disk Storage Systems Quarterly Tracker. The tracker is a quantitative tool for analysing the global disk storage market. It accounts quarterly shipments and revenues (both customer and factory), Terabytes, $/Gigabyte, Gigabyte/Unit, and average Selling Value.

"This is the third consecutive quarter that disk storage systems revenue growth has outpaced that of the server market," says Brad Nisbet, program manager in IDC's Storage Systems program. "However, internal storage growth has exceeded external growth in three of the last four quarters, as organisations explore new technologies that increase the flexibility of storage configurations."

The report also shows that:
- The total network storage market (NAS combined with Open and iSCSI SAN) increased 17.1% year over year in the third quarter to nearly $2.5 billion.
- EMC continues to maintain its leadership in the total network storage market with 27.2% revenue share, followed by HP with 21.5%.
- In the total worldwide disk storage systems market, HP maintained its lead with 23.5% revenue share followed by IBM with 20.7% share. EMC held on to third position with a 13.7% revenue share.
- The Open/iSCSI SAN market grew 19.6% year over year and is still above $2.0 billion in revenue. EMC and HP continue to vie for the first place position, but remain in a statistical tie. HP had 25.0% revenue share and EMC had 24.2% revenue share for the third quarter.
- In the NAS market, which grew 7.5% year over year, EMC maintained its 40% revenue share, followed by Network Appliance with 35.1% share. The iSCSI SAN market doubled again with 105% revenue growth year over year. Network Appliance continues to lead the market with 35.1% share, followed by EMC with 24.0% share. HP made the strongest share gain, increasing its iSCSI SAN revenue share from nearly zero to almost 10% in the third quarter from a year ago.

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