Brocade 2005 Storage Conference Wrap Up

p class="arth1">Brocade 2005 Storage Conference Wrap Up

December 8, 2005: Brocade’s First Asia Pacific Storage Conference has come to an end. And its success has ensured its return in years to come.

Held on Tuesday December 6th in Sydney’s Darling Harbour, it featured keynote presentations from Brocade’s Chief Technology Officer, Tapestry Product Family, Max Riggsbee and Microsoft’s Enterprise & Partner Group Infrastructure Architect, Raj Natarajan. Brocade used the forum to outline the two companies plans for 2006, particularly regarding branch office services.

One element to emerge from the conference is the industry’s concentration on shared storage as an factor in Lifecycle Management (ILM), Wide Area File Services (WAFS), security and virtualisation.

“We spent 10 years figuring out how to build robust storage area networking infrastructure,” said Riggsbee. “As we start looking at the next ten years, we’re really thinking how do we provide extended connectivity solutions. But on top of that if we can allow customers to have the power to connect to shared network infrastructure, we can also give them new ways to think about management and infrastructure.”

Brocade also wanted to highlight its new Enterprise Support Services. Because of this, the conference included several dedicated technical training and “How-To” sessions by Brocade and leading SAN providers covering topics such as SAN health, storage solutions, ILM, virtualisation, security on the network, WAFS, 4G enterprise solutions, and Application Resource Manager (ARM) solutions for data centres and storage infrastructure.

The event attracted 170 attendees – above the expected 150 according to Jane Gallie, Brocade’s Sales and Marketing Coordinator for ANZ. Its success not only guarantees its return next year to Sydney or Melbourne (or both), but also illustrates just how important tackling storage issues is to today’s businesses. The conference is also making its way around the rest of Asia Pacific, stopping in Mumbai, Beijing, Hong Kong, Tokyo, Taipei, Seoul and Shanghai.

Tell us about your experience at the Brocade conference

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