Classic Blockbuster Needs Kong-Sized Solutions

Classic Blockbuster Needs Kong-Sized Solutions

December 21, 2005: Peter Jackson’s remake of the iconic King Kong has hit the cinemas. One of, if not the most CGI heavy movie in history, Kong has raised the bar when it comes to digital visuals. To do this, it needed a data archival system as powerful as the 25 foot gorilla himself.

Wellington’s Weta Digital was already a sizable and experienced production house after churning out eye-popping effects for The Lord of The Rings trilogy, however, with King Kong Jackson was once again upping the ante and pushing technology and staff into uncharted digital directions.

To give them creative breathing space, Weta used NetApp’s fabric-attached storage (FAS) system in conjunction with its NearStore system for data archival, and an IP SAN storage solution. NetApp says that this gave Weta the freedom and performance to deliver digital effects without having to worry about the underlying technology.

"The entertainment industry is probably one of the more visibly competitive and demanding when it comes to innovation,” says Patrick Rogers, vice president of Products and Partners at Network Appliance. “Digital effects leaders like Weta must be entirely focused on producing the digital ‘masterpiece’ that is expected of them. Their time and creative energy cannot be hampered by dealing with management or scalability issues”

Peter Jackson’s King Kong is in cinemas now.

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