Maxtor announces abyssal storage solution

Maxtor announces abyssal storage solution

Oct 28, 2005: eBay sellers may boast their PCs have HUGE 40gig drives, but Maxtor is redefining that term with the announcement that it is now shipping its next-generation SATA II and ATA/133 MaXLine, DiamondMax and Ultra16 kit hard drives.

After the recent release of its 1 terabyte external backup drive, these three new internal offerings are aimed at enterprise and desktop users and come with hefty 500GB capacity. Both the Maxline and DiamondMax drives provide up to a half-terabyte capacity and a 16MB buffer and are available with 3.0Gb SATA II features including native command queuing, staggered spin up, hot-plug and asynchronous signal recovery.

For enterprise, the Maxline Pro has been designed specifically for multi-drive environments and storage arrays and employs new technology to help out system designers, integrators and IT managers maintain storage systems.

The MaXline includes features such as rotational vibration compensation enabling it to withstand higher vibrational interference from adjacent drives, accelerated error recovery which completes commands within 15 seconds, and an expanded drive self test to eliminate false failures and validate good drives.

The DiamondMax 11 however, is targeted at home and office PC's with capacities of 400 and 500GB and features more aligned with desktop, publishing, multimedia and gaming applications. According to Maxtor Sata II allows rapid access to data and raises overall system performance. Especially in multi-threaded, RAID PCs.

Maxtors final release is the Ultra16 retail kit, which allows consumers to upgrade their PCs capacity and performance. The kit comes with Maxtor's MaxBlast software which helps with installation, partitioning and copying of old files to the new drive.

The MaXLine Pro 500, Maxtor DiamondMax 11 and Maxtor Ultra16 kit will be shipping in late November.

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